The Patten Lumbermen’s Museum operates largely on funds raised through membership dues and donations, which qualify as tax free contributions to a non-profit organization. “Friends of the Museum” is a form receive the Museum newsletter, a membership card, and a 10% discount on all purchases at the Museum gift shop. Joining the Friends of the Museum is a great way to help preserve the history of the men who lived and logged the great forests of Maine and help pass that history down through the generations. Becoming a member is easy. Download and print the membership form [.pdf; 89kb] and return it to us by e-mail or USPS. Dues and donations can be paid by:
- Sending your donation or dues check with your membership form; or by
- Donating or paying your membership dues now with your credit card by using the “Donate” button below.
Cancelling events has a big impact on museum finances, so we appreciate any support you can give. Thank you!