The Patten Lumbermen’s Museum invites you to visit our facility to learn all about Maine logging history, including the use of Bateaux on waterways to transport supplies, the stories of the fearless river drivers, what life was like inside a remote logging camp, and even the role of bean hole beans. Follow the links above for more information, and make sure to visit the museum in person for the full lumbering experience!
The Reception Center offers the viewing of “Stump to Ship” featuring history of lumbering and log driving in Maine. Other video’s are also available. We also have on display artifacts to include log drivers “caulked boots” and “bear skin coats” worn by travelers in open pungs as well as artwork and historic photographs. The Lombard Steam Log Hauler, one of only 83 manufactured in the early 1900’s, will also be available for visitors to view.
$12 (ages 12 – 65)
$10 (ages 65+)
$7 (ages 4 – 12)
No charge for children under 4 or adults over 90 years of age