2025 Events

The Patten Lumbermen’s Museum, with a unanimous vote of the founding Board of Directors, was Incorporated in January 1963 as a non-profit 501c3 Corporation

Patten Lumbermen’s Museum will open Friday, May 23rd, 2025 Memorial Day week-end.

We are open on all Monday holidays, including May 26th, Memorial Day, September 1st, Labor Day and October 13th, Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day.

May and June: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00-4:00.

July, August, and September: 6 days a week, Tuesday through Sunday. Closed on all Mondays unless it’s a holiday. On October 13th, the Museum will close for the season.

Please check back often for any changes to the schedule which might occur and follow the Patten Lumbermen’s Museum page on Facebook.

2025 Fiddlers and Fiddlehead Festival: Saturday, May 17th – 11:00-4:00 Always the third (3rd) Saturday in May

2025 Annual Bean Hole Bean Dinner: Saturday, August 9th, 11:00-3:00 Always the second (2nd) Saturday in August! Also, visit the Museum Friday early afternoon to watch the preparation of the bean pits and the beans for Saturday’s dinner .

2025 Father’s Day- Free admission for Fathers: Sunday, June 15th – 10:00-4:00

Open for Visitors:

May 23, 24, 25, 26 and 30 and 31 10:00-4:00

June 1st-29th, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, 10:00-4:00

July 1st through October 13th: Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Closed Mondays except Memorial Day, Labor Day and Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day

Annual Fiddlers and Fiddlehead Festival

Various Music Performers -Non-profit food vendors-Silent Auction to benefit Patten Lumbermen’s Museum-Local CraftsmenFresh Fiddleheads to purchase

Annual Bean Hole Bean Dinner

Preparations for the Bean Dinner: Friday, August 8, 2024

Come by the Museum at noon Friday, August 8th, 2025 to watch the process of preparing the pots of beans for the bean Dinner. The men will be building the fires in the bean holes, positioning the pots of beans over the fire to parboil, season the beans with salt pork, onions, molasses and spices. Finally, the men will lower the pots onto the bed of hot coals, cover them in the ground for their overnight baking.

Annual Bean Hole Bean Dinner: Saturday August 9th, 2025 11:00-3:00

Always the second Saturday in August
Bean-hole baked beans like the river drivers used to do it
Maine’s own “red” hot dogs
Maine’s “Bake-well Cream” Biscuits made and baked by the open fire
Delicious Coleslaw
Gingerbread made by our own local ladies
Coffee boiled over the open fire- yes, if you wait til the end of the day, you can stand a spoon up in it!
Wagon rides with John Boyce and his beautiful horses!
Blacksmithing demonstrations- try your hand at it!
Wood turning demonstrations- watch a bowl be “turned” from a burl off a tree
Children’s games
Crafters’ tables

Monday, October 13th, 2025
Patten Lumbermen’s Museum closes for the season!